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DafnaHaymanKettlebellPistol thumbnail

Coach to Grow, Teach to Learn, the Dafna Hayman interview

Even though we're coaches focused on helping other people, we need someone to look at us! I strongly believe that every trainer needs a trainer. I never write my own programs, because if I do, I’ll only train what I love and not necessarily what I need to be doing.

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How Stephanie Woods Lost 60lbs with Kettlebells and Right Eating

Don't give up on something that’s meaningful to you, kettlebells might seem hard in the beginning, but when starting a new fitness regimen, everything can be pretty hard. If it were easy everyone would do it!

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How to Get Real About Change

When you first started training, gains seemed to happen overnight. Your energy level went through the roof, you looked better in your clothes, and you might have even felt virtuous about eating more vegetables and drinking more water.

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The Dan John Dragon Door Interview

Before I went to one of the early RKC conventions in 2005, I had no idea what a swing really was! I was so quad dominant that I was doing leg extensions as swings, because I didn't know. At that convention, I picked up my first kettlebell, got involved in sending some emails back and forth with some people, and now here we are!

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Attitude is Everything

We must understand that we have been conditioned to be negative. We’ve been taught to look for limitations, problems, and where things can go wrong. I want to challenge you to take the first step in “righting the ship” by approaching each training session with more positivity than ever before.

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Hill Sprints: An Important Component for Every All-Around Athlete’s Training Plan

Hill sprints are a great way to simultaneously enhance training for maximum power, muscle building—sprints recruit a larger number of muscle fibers than weighted squats—and fat burning since they are a high intensity exercise used in a relatively short period of time. In an optimally-designed training plan, sprints can be used to increase endurance and physical conditioning.

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From near-death to fitness inspiration, the Freda Mooncotch-Al Kavadlo story

It was exactly the inspiration I needed, and helped me to focus on something other than being sick or getting well. So I started stretching and changed my very boring, monotonous training routine.

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How a World Cup Soccer Referee Benefits from Kettlebells, Margaret Domka Interview

I found kettlebells because I was hoping to make it to the World Cup. I needed a way to keep getting stronger while also increasing my speed. I was really looking for a type of strength training that would also be functional for the goals of a referee.

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What Goes Around, Comes Around: Tumbling and Training

Much can be learned from self-defense and the fighting arts. You don’t need to get into the Octagon to learn these lessons. You can get some benefits just by adding TGUs, goblet squats, swings and windmills to your training.

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Becoming a Great Coach

Master RKC, Josh Henkin, Creator of the DVRT system describes the path to becoming a great coach, and the questions great coaches must ask to better help their athletes, students and clients.

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