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Dragon Door Interviews Mike Krivka, RKC Team Leader

Dec 17, 2012 08:14 PM

Dragon Door: How did you find kettlebells? Mike Krivka: I first saw kettlebells back in 1986 at the Russian Embassy in downtown Washington, D.C. I was learning Sambo from a bunch of really grizzly old Afghan vets who worked as spooks and spies. Previously, I had studied Judo and Jujitsu, but wanted to learn Sambo, because of the emphasis on ankle or knee locks to disable the opponent. At the Embassy, I noticed some kettlebells sitting in the corner, though at the time I had no idea...

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Elite Law Enforcement Adds Kettlebells to Their Arsenal

Dec 07, 2012 10:30 PM

Ever since I was a kid I have been obsessed with law enforcement. I was a kid hooked on Columbo, Mod Squad and The Rookies. For my 12th birthday, I got my first fingerprint kit. It didn’t take long before every solid surface in the house was covered in black or white powder and sticky tape marks. All I wanted when I grew up was to be a cop. A detour in high school along with some bad decisions put that dream to rest. In December of this year...

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Naked Warrior

Dragon Door Interviews Master RKC Phil Ross

Dec 05, 2012 10:45 PM

Did you originally try kettlebells because of your martial arts studies? Phil Ross: I'm always looking for the best things available as far as training goes, especially concerning martial arts. I first heard about kettlebells at Frank Shamrock's place in the Summer of 2005. He mentioned that he knew someone in San Jose who was training with these cool things called kettlebells. So, he showed me...​

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How To Deadlift Like A Champion

Nov 16, 2012 10:48 PM

The deadlift is the king of all strength exercises. Other barbell lifts are great too – the Olympic lifts, the squat, the bench press, the military press – they all have tremendous benefit. But for pure strength – the deadlift is king. It works the entire body from head-to-toe… The glutes, hamstrings and lower back work hard, as do the upper back and the grip. If you’re a powerlifter, the deadlift is where the meet is won and lost. If you’re a strongman, you need a good deadlift; otherwise...

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An interview with Mike Gillette on the Genesis of his new Dragon Door Certification program, Mental Mastery

Oct 08, 2012 06:00 PM

Dragon Door: How did you first become involved in the mental aspect of training? Mike Gillette: I had been involved in law enforcement training for several years. In the mid 1990s, I was primarily teaching in an academy environment. The curriculum was use of force topics—the various tools and techniques law enforcement and corrections officers use to motivate better decision making. Intermediate weapons like batons, chemical sprays, and empty hand techniques each have their own...

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Dragon Door Interviews Jeff Fish, Director of Athletic Performance - Atlanta Falcons

Sep 29, 2012 08:48 PM

Dragon Door: Given your extensive experience coaching strength and conditioning, what led you to try kettlebell training with your athletes? Jeff Fish: I began researching the role of movement-based methodology in the early 2000's and was fortunate to meet Pavel in 2005. I learned a great deal from him—this was the first obtainable information I found for implementing kettlebells in a workout plan. At the time, there was very little information available on safe, proper kettlebell technique

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Dragon Door Interviews Rachel Cosgrove, RKC

Sep 26, 2012 02:40 PM

Dragon Door: What inspired you to try kettle bells? Rachel Cosgrove: I’ve actually been training with them for a while. I took a different kettlebell certification about six years ago, and we’ve been using them with our clients at the gym ever since—they’re really a fantastic tool. I had heard a lot about the HKC, RKC, and already knew Brett Jones and Pavel—we have spent some time with them in the past. Since we use the FMS as our primary screening tool, when Gray Cook got into kettlebells...

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TomDavin SanDiegoRKC swing

Dragon Door Interviews Tom Davin, CEO of 5.11 Tactical, RKC

Sep 12, 2012 04:30 PM

Dragon Door: When did you first try kettlebell training? Tom Davin: About 10 years ago, when I was chief executive of Spectrum Health Clubs, I first became aware of kettlebells, but really didn’t know how to use them. In terms of actually using kettlebells as a fitness tool, it was after earning my CrossFit Level 1 certification that I wanted to learn more. I met Jeff Martone who said, “You gotta do RKC.” That started me on the journey. About two years ago...

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PeterLakatos headshot

Dragon Door Interviews Peter Lakatos, Master RKC, Creator of Primal Move

Aug 20, 2012 02:40 PM

Dragon Door: What inspired you to develop Primal Move? Peter Lakatos: The story goes back to when I was a kid. It was very important for Hungary and the smaller communist countries to perform well at the Olympics. They believed a great Olympic team would show the world that they were doing well. Hungary's program chose children for every sport. I was picked for swimming at age four—by age five, I had five swimming training sessions per week until I was picked for traditional European...

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Dragon Door Interviews Senior RKC, Max Shank

Aug 15, 2012 09:30 PM

Dragon Door: I've been told that you're only 25 years old. As much as you’ve bragged about “being lazy,” you've accomplished a lot in a short period of time! Can you tell me about your work ethic? Max Shank: I’ve had a job or multiple jobs since I was 12 and I haven’t had a week without a job since then. I am actually pretty lazy with my training, I’ll just lift something heavy and then rest for a while before doing it again. Dragon Door: When did you become interested in fitness?

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