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JakeAltomare article1

5 Weeks to the Beast

Nov 06, 2011 11:00 PM

When I first signed up for the Russian Kettlebell Challenge, I knew it was going to be a difficult task. After watching countless Youtube videos on the RKC, one particular video caught my eye. It was called “Beast Tamer Challenge”. With a title like that I was curious to see how it related to Russian kettlebells. I started watching the video with expectations of a safari backdrop with wild animals. Instead, I saw an amazing feat of strength with a 48 kilogram kettlebell! Not only did the RKC...

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ValerieHedlund article1

Demystifying the Iron Maiden

Nov 06, 2011 10:00 PM

Since successfully completing the Iron Maiden Challenge at the August 2011, San Diego RKC, I keep getting the same question: “How did you train for it…?”That’s a bit of a trick question and everyone wants the easy answer… If you do (fill in desired program name) for (fill in requisite time duration) of time then viola, in no time you will be Iron Maiden #(fill in number)!!! It feels good and pretty darn cool to be the 3rd woman ever to complete this challenge successfully, especially at 5’3” and​

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How a self-styled “corporate thug” restored his wrecked body with kettlebells —and became a force for change in worlds as disparate as Camp Pendleton and the hallowed halls of Western medicine…

Oct 07, 2011 10:00 PM

Dragon Door: Mark Toomey, Sr. RKC – how did you find the RKC? Mark Toomey: I found the RKC through Qigong with John Du Cane. In the latter part of my 40’s I had a corporate gig: internal security and executive protection. But had a completely dysfunctional body. I had been a typical gym rat, wore the wrist wrap gloves for bicep day - which was every other day. I was hurting, in constant pain. Someone suggested I learn Qigong, I did a search and found Dragon Door. That's when I saw these...

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TommyBlom Fighting

How a Leading Krav Maga Instructor used RKC and Kettlebells to Excel as a Fighter

Sep 27, 2011 12:00 AM

“I've never seen such big changes in physical development as I have got with kettlebells.”

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AndrewRead article caf

Calf Work

Consider the following: A recreational runner has an 80% chance of an injury every twelve months of running that will require up to 4 weeks off running. The average runner is forced to absorb between two and three times bodyweight through the feet on each step. The average person takes between 1000 and 1200 steps per kilometre (based off Tony Benson’s chart for runners averaging 6-8 minutes/ kilometre). So if the average person weighs 80kg (180lbs) they are forced to absorb up to...

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Marty article

Manly and Organic are NOT Contradictions in Terms

Sep 06, 2011 06:58 PM

Say “organic” around a group of hardcore lifters, MMA fighters, Spec Ops operators or elite athletes and watch as the sneers appear and listen to their derisive, obscenity-laced comments. Organic brings to mind visions of effete, well-heeled urban and suburbanite female and metro-sexual males purchasing tofu and $18 a pound sockeye salmon at Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s on their way home from Bikram Yoga or Pilates class. Organic food purchases at one of these...

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DW handstrength

HAND STRENGTH: What Is It and Why Do YOU Need It?

Aug 25, 2011 01:00 PM

Why are strong hands important? Because your hands are the portal to your strength, the thing that connects you to your kettlebell, barbell, golf club, tennis racket, opponent or bag of groceries. Without your hands you cannot express your strength in the majority of sports. Even in a sport like soccer, which is hands-off, the athlete must have a connection to a barbell or similar implement to develop strength. So what does it mean to have a strong grip?

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JE JustAddWater

Just Add Water

Aug 25, 2011 12:00 PM

"Mother mother ocean I have heard your your belly you hold the treasure few have ever saw"...Jimmy Buffet A Pirate Looks at 40. Water is the giver of life. The sustainer of the earth, the primordial fluid our ancestors first crawled out of. The human being has always had a connection or a call to the water.Want to ease your way into a greater range of movement? I suggest taking your training into the water. Now I am not talking about joining the local water aerobics class and...

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GusPetersen ARTICLE

Phat Boys, Traveling Vikings, and Devil’s Triplets: Hard-Core Cross-Training for Hard-Style Junkies

Aug 24, 2011 12:00 AM

So you’re a self-proclaimed hard-style junkie. You live for your next intense kettlebell workout. You’ve read Enter the Kettlebell at least three times. You walk like a Russian. You quote Pavel at parties. You may well have a kettlebell tattooed on your calf. In a pinch, you’ve probably even tried pickle juice as a pre-workout tonic. You’re training hard and heavy most days, and your workouts are packed with intensity...

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JonEngum ART

Armbar Secrets Unclassified: Supercharged Roundhouse

Aug 04, 2011 02:00 AM

“Give me your strongest most powerful kicker and you’ll see the power of their kick improve by at least 15 %.” Speaking to a room full of Martial Artists who were skeptical of kettlebell training I was there to convince them that they too, could improve their sport of choice with kettlebells. The volunteer had been kicking since a young age with several championship titles under his belt was ready to go and true to my word, in less than a minute, he had increased his power by...

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